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Monday, September 5, 2011


               The city of Lahore is the capital of the Punjab. It occupies a central position, and is generally called 'The Heart of Pakistan'. Lahore is situated on the banks of the Ravi . Lahore is a city of gardens, and has the reputation of being the 'Green City'. It occupies a choice site in the midst of fertile alluvial plains. Lahore is the city of poets, artists and the center of film industry.
 Ptolemy's "Geographia", written about 150 AD, refers to it as "Labokla" and locates it with reference to the Indus, the Ravi, the Jhelum and the Chenab rivers. Another place revealed that it was founded by Loh the son of Rama Chandra.

However the accorded history of Lahore dates back to 850 AD., conquered by Mahmood Gaznavi in 1021 AD, it was made the capital of the Ghaznavid east of Indus and later captital of entire Ghaznavid Empire by Masud, son of Mahmood.
It was then that Lahore became the centre of social, cultural and educational activities reaching the pinnacle of its glory under the Mughals who gave it its famous architecture including the magnificent fort, gardens, tombs, mosques and pavilions. Some of the old names of Lahore can be observed as:

  • Laha-noor
  • Loh-pur
  • Mahmood-pur
  • Samandpal Nagiri
  • Lohar-pur                    

Minar Pakistan

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